07841 042245 admin@myohmyevents.com

A milestone business birthday has arrived! This is a perfect time to reflect, assess and make more plans. As any other business owner reading will know, we often get asked; ‘What would you go back in time and tell yourself 6 years ago before you launched your business?” that’s really simple, I’d say; “Go for it!”

The idea for MyOhMy Events was born as an exit plan from a career in forensics – the move into a detail-orientated space, the ability to stay calm and patient in pressurised situations, being able to think clearly and logically, and being good with software! There are more similarities than you realise when you start writing it down, although events bring a lot more joy and creates an experience for delegates as well as for us as a team.

6 years ago I couldn’t have predicted what was ahead. I’ve met oodles of fantastic people, built a dream team and learned so much through all the clients we’ve worked with. Of course, we navigated the pandemic, which was a big shift, but we took on the challenge and that showed just how adaptable MyOhMy Events can be and has shaped the business into what we offer today.

What have we learned over the last 6 years in business?

We love our clients and we work with them event after event, year after year and each time it gets even better.

Events as an industry doesn’t stand still, and neither do we. We’re across what’s new, how we can push boundaries and get delegates excited in the run-up and on the day. The tech, the tools, and delegate expectations change at the same pace as the Instagram algorithm!

There are no limits on events – whether we’re talking accessibility or geographically, there’s no reasons why anyone, anyone cannot access your event.

Now a team of 5, it takes a village when it comes to events. Each team member has their special skillset which makes them an invaluable member of the team.

Our values

It’s crucial that matters to our clients and what matters to us align. We deliver on our promises, give acute attention to detail and whatever happens we’ll get it figured out ASAP. And we’ve all attended enough online events now to have seen what can and does go wrong at times. 

We work on the grenade theory: – whoever is closest jumps on it and limits the damage/ impact. Next we figure out how to diffuse/ fix it, lastly we figure out later why it happened and put catches in place to prevent it happening again. This all happens under the surface of an event – your attendees and maybe even you won’t notice a thing! 

If you follow us on social media, you’ll know that #NoMoreBoringEvents and #YourAudienceDeservesBetter are regular features in our discussions. No one wants to use their precious time going to an event that doesn’t deliver, they won’t come back for more and neither will the speakers. Our passion for events and the industry, fuels us to deliver immersive events not webinars delivered like the 10 o’clock news. 

What’s next?

In the last 6 months we’ve been working on the MyOhMy Events website to help people understand what we do and how we do it (all that magic that happens behind the scenes), an appearance on the BBC with Tom Allen and a keynote slot at Karren Brady’s Women in Business and Tech expo, a space we are very happy to be in!

We’re where we want to be – offering face-to-face, hybrid and online events. We’ve made hybrid and online our expertise over the past few years and built up the skills and knowledge to take the reigns on the small and regular event series to the massive, global, most important conference of the year type events.

If you’ve worked with us over the last 6 years…thank you!

If you’d like to work with us…