07841 042245 admin@myohmyevents.com

I’ll start by saying I don’t think I have a typical day! One of the great things about being a business owner and in the events and tech space is that no two days are the same, even if it’s a two-day event we’re working on, every day is different. I like it that way.

The day begins…

I’m up with the larks, ready for a walk with the dogs. It’s my favourite way to start the day. Outside it’s fresh, quiet and I get to start the day doing something before the day gets going and the emails and meetings start coming. I think for me it’s really important to get out early because some days I can spend a lot of time looking at a screen or if I’m travelling to an event that day, Might be in the car or on the train for a while, so I feel like I’ve had a bit of exercise and a bit of time to myself before the working day.

The day doesn’t start without tea and porridge with nuts, raisins and honey. To be honest, the day doesn’t run without tea! Make sure you leave kettle-boiling breaks between your meetings and events everybody! It’s a good reminder, when you are working on events, delegates need movement breaks, comfort breaks, whether they’re in the room or online. A tea break is the perfect opportunity for a screen break (and a biscuit).

Where am I today?

Working in events is such a good opportunity to meet new and interesting people, hear about what they do and how they do it. The events also give the team at MyOhMy Events the chance to do what we do in different settings, with different audiences, whether it’s from home, down the road, or a flight away.

Another perk of MyOhMy Events is that we build relationships with our clients and speakers, we see them at their best when we first meet and their worst if they start to worry. There is definitely something about those event-based emotions that bring you together as a team, in the evening when you’re relying on the hospitality manager to swap the dishes around or the facilities manager to get the heating up and running again! Comradery is maybe the word I’m looking for? Building a team you can trust from the first call is such a huge part of events. Team members regularly support the same clients which I know many of our clients appreciate as they become familiar with each other and the best way for everyone to work together to deliver an awesome event.

I could be anywhere, with anyone on any given week!

Time flies

Lunchtime always comes around so quickly doesn’t it?! One minute it’s first thing and you’ve got the whole day ahead of you, then suddenly it’s time to refuel. One piece of advice for anyone working in the event space, never forget the snacks and lunch break, you can’t run on empty!

A lot of the events we run start in the morning, online, hybrid or face to face, they might be workshops until lunchtime or events that run from morning to evening. If we’ve been online all morning, there will be the event follow up, feedback, saving down all the files etc then a change of pace in the afternoon for variety and to get ahead for the next event.

What the week looks like

I structure my week to include chats with new connections, catch ups with existing and repeat clients, content creation, time with the team and of course event delivery and production.

I’m regularly known to have an office clear out, where does all the stuff come from? Last time there was a stack of brand new note books, I do love a bit of stationery! 

The best part of the day…

When I’m home, the day ends the way it started, even if I’m just back in the door from Gatwick. A walk with the dogs gives me time to reflect, get some space and clarity in my mind and is often when I have my best ideas – and can’t write them down on the move! I find this part of my routine is much needed after being switched on all day, staying ahead of what’s happening I can be in the moment and decompress from the busy day, which helps me to get ready for the next one!