Online webinars are everywhere right now, and so are the shocking stories about meetings being interrupted by uninvited guests. Zoom has responded by stepping up security, here is the latest set of updates and a few tips from MyOhMy Events.
We have been working with our clients to ensure that they are aware of all security updates and guidance, from sending out the invitations to the moment an online event is running live. It is important to check these boxes to protect your participants, your meeting, yourself and your business.
What’s new?
Zoom has released a few new functions to their platform, instead of optional these will now be switched on as standards for all Zoom meetings.
1. Passwords will automatically be issued for meetings that are set up.
2. The waiting room function will now be part of the process for all Zoom meetings.
What does this mean for you?
So potentially it means that if you copy and paste the link from Zoom straight into email and send that out, people won’t have to manually enter a password.
However, if somebody tries to join your meeting room by manually inputting the number of your meeting room, they WILL need the password to join because Zoom will assume that you haven’t sent them the link (and that they may not have been invited).
Things to think about
These are both positive additions to the security features of Zoom. Something to look out for; if you set up your meeting before 5th April 2020 (you are very organised, well done), I would advise that you go back into Zoom and resend all of your delegates the link, just to make sure that they have the password protected version of it.
How to: Llog back in, hit the ‘My Account’ button in the top right corner and it will bring up your dashboard and panel, and then in the meeting itself. Click into the meeting that’s scheduled and you’ll be able to pick up that link and the password to confirm and send to your delegates.
How the Zoom waiting room works
As I said, Zoom has activated the standard waiting room function, this means that people cannot be allowed into the meeting unless you manually accept them in.
This gives you as the host, control over who you let into your meeting room and you can effectively tick names off your guest list as you let them into the Zoom room.
This is really useful, especially if you’re using the webinar for minors or your kids are having Zoom sessions, it means you can control who is entering that meeting room (instead of it being too late to act if an unwanted guest has joined).
Important tip: Lock the room when all your participants have joined the Zoom room, to keep your meeting extra safe.
Your Zoom security settings
All of these are added as a standard function and available across all the different Zoom memberships so you don’t have to have the paid, or pro version, it will just be automatically added for you. If you would like to turn these security settings off off, jump onto the Zoom dashboard, go into your settings and you can manually update them there, but automatically those security features are adjusted.
Need help?
If you’re having any issues with Zoom and its new functionality, drop me a line and I’m happy to do a little walk through, but thought I would just update you on what’s changing, what’s developing and how you are additionally protected. Any questions? Drop me a line and I’m happy to help. Keep an eye on the MyOhMy Events Facebook and Instagram pages for regular tips and updates. Bye for now.
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